Timely Access to Care
Timely Access
to Care: Gender Issues
Thursday March 1st, 2007
Travelodge Hotel & Convention Centre Ottawa West
Ottawa, Ontario
On March 1st, 2007 the Women and Health Care Reform Group and the Centres of Excellence for Women's Health, hosted a Workshop, Timely Access to Care: Gender Issues, in Ottawa, Ontario.
This workshop was designed to expand policy debate and analysis on the evolving issue of wait times. It provided an opportunity to broaden the discussion to the concept of "timely access to care" taking into account determinants of health and population health approaches. Through the use of concrete examples, the workshop illustrated how consideration of the unique needs and realities of diverse groups among women and men with particular attention to marginalized groups (i.e. gender-based analysis) adds value to policy, research and program development on wait times and to the broader issue of timely access to care. The workshop also demonstrated how gender based analysis can strengthen health planning and service delivery for governments at all levels.
Approximately 60 distinguished policy researchers and analysts from Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, provincial and regional sectors were invited to attend. Together and in small working groups, the participants explored ideas, challenged assumptions, raised questions about the notions and paradigms of timely access to care in Canada, and investigated the additional dimensions that gender-based analyses bring.
We are fortunate to be able to provide here some of the presentations and hands-on materials used at the Workshop. We encourage you and your organization to continue the discussion about timely access to care and to include gender-based analysis in doing so. Download this introduction (English .doc).
Agenda (English
.doc) |
Background |
Gender-based Analysis
and Wait Times: New Questions, New Knowledge |
Keynote Speakers: Moving From Wait Times to Timely Access to Care |
Michael Rachlis |
Panel Discussion: The Need for Speed? |
Too Little, Too Late:
Substance Use Services for Women |
Concurrent GBA Capacity Building Workshops |
Hip & Knee Replacements |
Reflections Panel |
Notes from Reflections Panel - B. Clow (English .doc) |
Evaluation Forms |
GBA Checklists |
GBA Checklist (English
.doc) (French
.doc) |